FAQs | Transformational wellness for mind, body, and spirit
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, a key component of Traditional Chinese medicine, it is most commonly used to treat pain. As energy flows throughout pathways or meridians in the body, they sometimes become obstructed or unbalanced: a great example of this a highway, everything feels great when you're going 60mph vs. how uncomfortable you become if you are stuck in traffic. Acupuncture restores the flow of energy by stimulating certain points along the meridians. Extremely thin needles are inserted through the skin at strategic points on the body, mobilizing energy. In Western perspectives, acupuncture is known to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissues. Stimulation boosts the body's activity of natural painkillers, increases blood flow and boosts your immune system
Is acupuncture right for me?
Yes! Acupuncture can be extremely beneficial for anyone in any stage of wellness. Since it improves the level at which YOUR body functions and deals with daily stressors it can be used as preventative medicine or to treat specific conditions.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture rarely hurts. At times, there may be a slight tingling feeling upon insertion of the needle, but it subsides. Certain points towards the extremities, such toes and fingers, may notice a brief sharp sensation.
Can acupuncture be combined with other medical treatments?
Acupuncture treatments can coincide with other medical treatments. An open discussion of other remedies being utilized will help you achieve maximum relief and benefits from your acupuncture treatments.
Does insurance cover acupuncture?
Many insurance companies offer polices that reimburse for acupuncture and related services. A super bill will be provided upon request, if you wish to submit a claim for reimbursement through your insurance provider.
What should I expect?
The first session involves an intake interview, an assessment for treatment planning, and your first acupuncture treatment. Be prepared for a 1.5 hour visit. Subsequent treatment sessions last 45-60 minutes. Please wear loose clothing. And, make sure to have eaten within two hours of your treatment and have plenty of water.
How many treatments will I need?
Treatment results vary form individual to individual. In general, chronic conditions require more treatments than acute conditions. Most treatment protocols consist of a course of 4-6 treatments over the period of one month. A re-evaluation will follow this period.
What types of things can I get treated for?
- Back
- Neck
- Migraines
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Sciatica
- Plantar fascitis
- Fine lines/Wrinkles
- Acne
- Rosacea
Sports Injuries
- Sprains/Strains
- Muscular tightness and imbalance
- Joint injuries
- Dislocation
- Subluxation
- Tendonitis
- Ligament tears
- Fractures
- Shoulder - Rotator cuff tears
- Frozen shoulder
- Bicep tendonitis
- Knee
- Patella tendonitis
- Meniscus tear
- ACL/PCL injuries
- Elbow
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer's elbow
- Depression
- Anxiety/Stress
- Fear
- Grief/ Worry
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Food-Sugar/Caffeine
- Smoking
Gynecological Issues
- Infertility (men and women)
- Amenorrhea/Dysmenorrhea
- Menopause