A fundamental part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture uses small needles to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. It’s been used for centuries to heal everything from chronic pain and muscle aches to depression and fertility problems.

How does acupuncture work?

Vital energy flows through pathways or meridians in the body, but sometimes, they get obstructed. By stimulating specific points with acupuncture needles, I help unblock or regulate the flow of energy to tackle imbalances that may lead to health issues. The stimulation prompts your body to produce natural painkillers, increases blood flow, and boosts your immune system.

Treatments tailored to you

You are a unique individual with issues and challenges specific to your experiences. I create a tailored treatment plan just for you, using acupuncture and other methods from TCM, including gua sha, cupping, herbal medicine, stretching, and nutrition, to heal the root cause of your problem, whatever it is.

All acupuncture treatments are enriched with hara diagnosis to make your experience even more personalised and painless.

Call or text me to book your session:


How can I help?

Acupuncture is effective for back, neck, knee, shoulder, ankle and foot pain and can treat osteoarthritis, injuries, strains, sprains, tendinitis, tendinosis, tennis elbow, headaches, and TMJ. It’s also great for pre- and post-surgery care.

We can also include e-stim, hara diagnosis, cupping, stretch therapy, qi gong, and nutrition to treat, ease and eliminate your physical pain as part of a holistic approach.

Acupuncture supports the processes of perimenopause, menopause, IVF and IUI; treats irregular or painful periods, PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, painful periods, and low libido; and improves athletic performance.

Your personalized treatment may include hara diagnosis, e-stim, cupping, herbal medicine and nutrition.

Treat Lupus, celiac, Hashimoto’s, Lyme’s, and Crohn’s diseases, as well as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, endometriosis, PCOS, diabetes, migraines, SIBO, constipation, IBS, bloating, GERD, weight loss or gain, and diabetes with acupunture.

Other therapies might include e-stim, hara diagnosis, cupping, exercises and stretch therapy, herbal medicine and nutrition.

Discover the natural approach to increase collagen production, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots, improve skin texture and tone, brighten complexion, and regrow hair.

I offer microneedling, nanoneedling, and cosmetic acupuncture packages to help you look and feel your best.

Acupuncture can help with mental and emotional blocks like anxiety, depression, stress, grief, addiction, anger, OCD, obsessive thinking, ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities, and trauma.

Work with me to design a personalized treatment plan that includes acupuncture alongside a blend of hara diagnosis, qi gong, meditation and nutrition coaching in a program that’s tailored to your needs.

Acupuncture supports healthy active ageing, treat poor sexual health, fertility, low sperm count, low libido, prostatitis, and frequent urination, and improve your athletic performance and recovery.

Work with me to to create a tailored treatment program including hara diagnosis, e-stim, cupping, herbal medicine and nutrition.

Check my hours and book a session or schedule a free consultation call to discuss your needs